Q A Dos


CCNA Exam Q&A Simulator

These Q A Exam simulator cover everything you need for securing 100% Pass guarantee in the exams of international certification course. Now Only $29 .You can work with most of the question types used in certification exams Multiple Choice, Single Choice ,

Buddhism Q & A  v.

Buddhism is a family of beliefs and practices considered by most to be a religion. Buddhism is based on the teachings attributed to Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as "The Buddha" (the Awakened One), who lived in the northeastern region of the


Aspire Q&A  v.1.0

Question and Answer program to easily create tests and quizzes.

Sesame Database Manager  v.2.5.2

If you are new to databases, Sesame makes getting started with simple applications easy, fast, and fun. For those with more experience, Sesame provides a variety of options within easy reach for customizing and programming your applications.

Image for DOS  v.1 95

Image is a DOS based backup and restore utility that creates a snapshot of an entire partition or volume to a set of files or directly to USB2, IEEE1394, ATAPI CD-R/RW and DVD+R/+RW/-R/-RW drives.

Active@ Disk Image For DOS  v.3.3.4

Active@ Disk Image For DOS is a DOS-based backup solution designed for complete backup and restore the entire harddrive as well as selected FAT / NTFS partitions and logical drives.

DOS Delay  v.1.0

A DOS command that will execute a x milliseconds delay. This is a DOS command that will execute a delay. Useful in batch files (BAT/CMD).Features: 1. customizable 2. it doesn't need to be installed/uninstalled (just download the "exe" file and double

Mustru: A QA Search Engine  v.1.0

Mustru is a desktop Q&A search engine based on Lucene.


NetMailBot is the most powerful command line email client for sending & receiving email. It runs from a DOS command prompt, which allows it to be easily called from other applications. Features include: HTML or plain message formatting, mail merge, ZIP

DOSBox  v.0.74

DOSBox is a DOS-emulator that uses the SDL-library which makes DOSBox very easy to port to different platforms.

DOSMadness  v.1.0

View any site on the Internet in a DOS madness style: just (multicolored) text, no images or videos, and a lot of colored rectangles. Focus only on the text, and see how much you can understand without images. Fun or useful? Works on any browser.


Provide fast and simple access to a DOS based defragmenter, Disk Cleaner and a HDD benchmarking software. Instead of launching each application one by one, DG-defragmenter allows you to utilise them effectively in one simple user-interface. Best of all,

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